THE CORE Youth Group is a group of energetic and amazing youth, grades 6th through 12th, who are learning about their faith, God's love for them, and how they can help to make this world a little better for themeselves and for others. Being a part of THE CORE isn't about being perfect or having it "all figured out." Instead, it's about youth hanging out with youth, learning and having fun together. Everyone is welcome and no one is turned away!
Upcoming Gatherings
(Note: Dates and times are subject to change as necessary. )
The Core meets the 2nd and 4th
Sundays of the month at 5:30 pm.
The 5th Sundays may involve a special activity.
Check for details on those Sundays.
Donations to the Youth Group
Donations to THE CORE youth group are greatly appreciated. At this point, donations are best received by cash or check mailed or brought to the church. Checks can be made payable to "LUMC - Core." We will be happy to provide you with a receipt and a grateful Thank You note from all the youth.